

  • How to review?

    Click the home buttons or bottom right button. On the page you open you type the address or place you want to review. Examples:

    • To review property, condo, neighborhood, city and country: Enter the address of the property with number.
    • To review country: Type the name of the country.
    • To review city and country: Enter the name of the city.
    • To review country: Enter the name of the country.
  • How to edit a review?

    • Click LOGIN in the upper right corner;
    • After login, in the top right corner, click on your image/profile icon and then on 'My Reviews';
    • On the screen 'My Reviews', select the review you want to edit and click 'See Review';
    • On the details screen, to the right of the titles, click the pencil icon. Repeat the procedure if you want to review an unreviewed item.
    • Okay, you're on the edit or evaluation screen! Do not forget to SAVE before leaving ;)
  • How do I view my edits?

    • In the upper right corner, click on your image/profile icon and then on 'My Reviews';
    • On the screen 'My Reviews' screen, select the review you want to see and click 'See Review';
    • That's it, simple like this! If you want to edit again, just click on the pencil to the right of the title.
  • Can I do reviews anywhere in the world?

    Yes! If the property, condo, neighborhood, city or country can be found by Google Maps then it can be reviewed!

  • Is Jamorei.com free?

    Yes! Our services are totally free.

  • Do I need to be logged in to search?

    No. You just have to connect to the system to like, save, and edit your reviews.

  • Will my name, surname and photo appear in my reviews?

    No. By default the system will show only your name. To show surname and profile photo you must be logged in and enable this option in 'My info'.

  • Can I make anonymous reviews?

    Your name is important so that on visits to the real estate you have evaluated, interested people may ask if you actually lived there and check the authenticity of the review.

  • How do I group my reviews and make the group public?

    Just log in and enable the 'Group places where I lived' option in 'My info'.